Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mats? Mascara?

Why Mats?
I used to think yoga and pilates were fancy forms of stretching. Boy, was I wrong. For the past two years, I have had an on-again off-again relationship with these mats. I love yoga class or a session at my nearby pilates studio, but when it comes to working out, consistency is my big issue. So for the "mats" section, I will truthfully describe my attempts at being healthy. With Bridget-Jones-style honesty. For example, I will not lie and say I ate my whole 250 calorie Thai rice noodle bowl for dinner. Instead, I will confess to giving up about a third of the way through and noshing on mini-Cadbury eggs (my biggest weakness). Hey, this is my first post. Things will get better. Right? Anyway, we are all busy and struggling against the temptations of Easter candy, among other things. Lets hope I can slowly change my ways and offer some advice (or perhaps give an example of what not to do) along the way.

Why Mascara?
Aside from the nice alliteration? I have a slight beauty addiction. Well, really a diagnosable obsession. The beauty community on YouTube has me hooked and now I am crazy for all things beauty, especially those boasting natural ingredients and free of parabens. Mascara is my absolute number one must have. It is that product that my face feels naked without. But more on that later. As well as my obsession with skin care and YouTube hauls. 

So welcome to my blog. Enjoy!


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